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Liste des communiqués 2024
16 Janvier – SYNTHELIS, l’expert français de la technologie de bioproduction acellulaire (cell-free technology) annonce la signature le 25 Novembre 2023, d’un accord portant sur son rachat au profit de Vincent Poher, un entrepreneur grenoblois spécialiste du diagnostic in-vitro. Synthelis est ainsi devenue SYNTHELIS BIOTECH depuis cette date.
Liste des communiqués 2023
9 Mars – SYNTHELIS and A5 Science have signed a strategic partnership to offer their clients a joint offering of custom production followed by validation of the protein folding and conformation using atomic force microscopy imaging.
Liste des communiqués 2022
12 avril – SYNTHELIS and PEACCEL have signed a strategic partnership to offer their clients a one-stop shop combinant Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cell-Free lead expression for accelerated drug discovery.
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La biotech
qui murmure
aux oreilles
des protéines.
Cell-Free Systems Applications